cogs support system

We’ve said it many times on this blog – when you run a small business, the people you have around you are crucial. You need people with the expertise you need, but that you don’t have. People to listen and advise you. Others who will hold you accountable and push back and challenge you when necessary. And we created Tabono to meet this need. Whether it is through our courses and workshops, or through our online community – we are a support system for small business owners.

So how does this support system work?

Bringing people together.

This is at the core of our approach. Tabono was created as a place for people to go when they need someone. It might be that you’re feeling lonely if you usually work by yourself, so our co-working sessions simply give you the opportunity to work ‘with’ people. Our Get Connected! events provide you with the opportunity to meet people, socialise and grow your professional connections. And if you need specialist input in a specific area, we can introduce you to one of our Tabono Experts! Need someone to listen and advise, we can help with that too!

Learning from each other.

Another key aspect of a strong support system for small business owners is the ability to learn from each other. We none of us have all of the answers, all of the time and so creating the space for this exchange of knowledge is really important.

People will learn and share information naturally when you bring them together, but we also facilitate this learning in a number of ways. Our Get connected! events always include a specially invited speaker, who joins us to share their knowledge on a topic related to either wellbeing or business. At our co-working events, we encourage attendees to bring their questions and requests for help and advice. Finally, the modules of the Tabono programme – whether taken as a 12 month journey, or on a standalone basis – provide the opportunity to learn from both our co-Founders and our Experts.

Make our support system, your support system.

Any small business owner, whether aspiring, or already established, is welcome to join our community. Whether you choose to attend one of our events and workshops, join as a member, or take one of our online courses, you can make our support system, your support system. We would love to meet you, and to find out more about your plans and aspirations for your business!