Hello September

What does September mean for you? The children return to school and the new academic year begins. The weather (usually) starts to cool and the leaves gradually start to change colour. For many, this makes September a time of renewal. For fresh starts. And by extension, if you’re a female entrepreneur, this makes it the perfect time to reignite your passion, set new goals, and channel your energy into propelling your business forward. Whether you’ve been in business for while, or you’re just starting out on your journey, this blog is for you. Here’s how to hit the ground running and get re-energised this September.

7 ways to hit the ground running

1. Reflect on your achievements:

Before diving into new plans and goals, take a moment to celebrate your achievements so far. This is such a great exercise to strengthen your mindset for the months ahead! Acknowledge the milestones you’ve reached and the challenges you’ve overcome. This reflection not only boosts your self-confidence but also provides a solid foundation for your future. Remember, each accomplishment, no matter how small, is a stepping stone towards where you want to be.

2. Set Clear Intentions:

We don’t try to run before we can walk, right? So if we want to hit the ground running, we need to set a clear direction. September is the perfect time to set new intentions and revisit your business goals. What do you want to achieve by the end of the year? And remember – break down your larger goals into smaller, actionable steps that you can tackle one by one. That way, you can not only prevent overwhelm but maintain your motivation as you tick off the individual tasks. If this is something you struggle with, or you’re not sure what goals you should be setting, let’s talk.

3. Don’t stop learning

As an entrepreneur, growth is not only about your business but also about personal development, so make learning a non-negotiable part of your business toolkit and use September as an opportunity to invest in yourself. Enroll in courses, attend workshops, or read books that enhance your skills, broaden your knowledge, and keep you at the forefront of your industry. The process of learning and adapting not only boosts your confidence but also brings fresh ideas to your business.

4. Revamp Your Routine:

If we’re to be able to hit the ground running this month, we need to make sure that we have a strong, effective routine that underpins everything we do. So take a little time to check in with how you work and your existing processes and habits. Don’t be afraid to shake things up. Consider incorporating new habits if you need them, such as adjusting your morning routine, incorporating mindfulness practices, or dedicating time to exercise. A well-balanced routine can enhance your productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. You can also find more help in my blog ‘42 ways to organise your business‘.

5. Network and Collaborate:

An important part of being able to hit the ground running is to re-connect with the right people. Attend industry events, webinars, or online forums to connect with like-minded individuals. Networking, and collaborating with others, can open new doors, provide fresh perspectives, and inject renewed enthusiasm into your business. Remember, networking is not just about what others can do for you, but also about how you can contribute to a supportive entrepreneurial community.

6. Revisit your definition of success:

Your vision might have changed over the summer, or may not. But it’s important to regularly check in with your Why, and with your definition of success, remembering that this definition will be different for each of us. For example, you might be aiming to achieve a certain level of income, or to be able to work from anywhere, any time. You might want to be able to work flexibly, so that you can be present for your children or for other loved ones, when they need you. Whether you want to create a vision board, or represent these things in a different way, do take some time to check in and review. It’s a great exercise to boost your determination and motivation.

7. Practice Self-Care:

The success of your business, and your wellbeing, as its owner, are two sides of the same coin. Put simply, your business needs you to take care of yourself to ensure that you are able to operate at your best. So know that it’s okay to be a bit selfish! Set boundaries, practise mindfulness, enjoy hobbies, or whatever you do – don’t forget to take time off. When you take care of yourself, you’re better equipped to handle challenges and steer your business towards success.

Make it a September to remember

By using these tips, either as a toolkit or on an individual level, you will be able to hit the ground running this September. It doesn’t have to be frantic, when you feel like you’re having to sprint to keep up with the demands on your time. It can be calm, systematic, productive, and packed full of progress and of achievements. Let’s make it a September to remember, for all the right reasons! And don’t forget that I’m here to help if you need me.