Chloe and Anna chatting

Why wellbeing and mindset are so important. Interesting concept, isn’t it? Especially when you’re an entrepreneur.

If We Are Tabono is aiming to empower people to successfully launch their own business, or build an existing enterprise, why don’t we just focus on business skills? Why does our programme start with modules about wellbeing, mindset and confidence?

It’s a good question. We know some people may just want to get on with learning the business skills. But what’s so important about doing things the Tabono way?

An holistic approach.

We designed our unique programme to be an holistic approach to entrepreneurship, where the entrepreneur is just as important, if not more so, as the business. We teach you to cover all the fundamental building blocks. By getting the foundations right in the entrepreneur themselves, longevity in your business should follow.

But what happens if the entrepreneur doesn’t focus on themselves first? Well, they will just keep forging forward. They will blindly saying yes to things because they think it might help, or because at least it is ‘business’. Messages can become confused, and not necessarily directed to the right people. They hold off from doing the things that could really help to move things forward due to a lack of confidence. Imposter Syndrome could creep in. The direction of travel becomes lost, but still, we work flat out. All day, every day. Just to scrape by.

Our approach to mindset and wellbeing

So what’s our view on why wellbeing and mindset is so important? There are a number of things to consider.

Vision – knowing where you are going.

First thing’s first. If you don’t know where you are heading, how can you possibly get there? If we have an unknown destination to reach in the car, we use a map to find the way. What do we start with? The address of where we are going. Similarly, when running your own business, it’s essential to know what you want the picture to look like when you get further down the line. At We Are Tabono we help you create that future vision and really bring it to life. Knowing “why” you want this future really helps you to maintain your focus and productivity when times are more challenging and you might otherwise feel like giving up.

Reviewing, planning and goal setting.

Once that vision is in place, it’s a powerful tool to use when you are doing your planning and goal setting. Too many people do not goal set. Or if they do, it’s very loose and they don’t hold themselves to it. The result? Not much progress, a lot of frustration and lowered confidence. On our programme you will start your goal setting process from the first module. In order to set your goals we always start by reviewing – there is power in reviewing what has already been done and what we can learn from that to ensure future goals are relevant and most likely achievable. We then get into planning and goal setting – not forgetting a big break down of how those goals become a reality, which means taking action.


It’s great to know you will be planning and goal setting throughout the whole 12 month programme because this means making progress. What can often be lacking when you work on your own, is the accountability many of us need to ensure we carry through on those actions and start seeing results. We are able to hold you accountable in a variety of different ways, including your commitment to us as we lead you through the course, your commitment to the rest of your cohort who are studying with you, and the option to use virtual co-working spaces, or live co-working spaces to get the job done.


This is huge. Our wellbeing module focuses on everything from moments of selfcare, to good nutrition and exercise, to how your surroundings can affect your ability to be productive. If you don’t look after you, how can you stay in a space that allows you to function at optimal levels? We need to start with you being healthy and thriving in your body and mind. When you can do this, and make it a priority, you are likely to find the juggling of your business along with the rest of your life, much more manageable.


This one’s not to be taken lightly. A lack of confidence can be an absolute killer for those business dreams of yours. The trouble is that left unchecked, low confidence and a doubting or critical inner chatter can grow louder and completely stop you from making any progress in your business. We have a whole module dedicated to you building your confidence and self-belief, and also learning from others’ experiences and tips on how to push past those barriers that may be in your way.

The whole package

Of course, as well as all this mindset work, we cover the business skills you need to hone to ensure you and your business thrive. Everything from your personal branding to your content planning, social media management, SEO for your website and content, financial plans and strategy – it’s all in there. And with our team of 10 experts leading you through, you are in very good hands.

We would love to work with you on both your mindset and your business skills. So why not book a chat with us to talk it through and find out more?