Anna Verghese and Chloe Leibowitz

The world is awash with tools, advice, and tips for new business owners. There are lots of advisors out there who promise you a secret formula, or a fool-proof blueprint for success. But in our opinion, everyone is different, as is their definition of success! What’s important to one person might be largely irrelevant for another. Equally, where one entrepreneur is strong, another may struggle – and vice versa.

So while this blog is about tips for new business owners, it doesn’t in any way, make any promises or guarantees of success. Instead, the tips below are from real women who are riding the small business roller-coaster right now, as you’re reading this blog. And they’re sharing their experiences to help those who are new to entrepreneurial life.

Always believe in yourself and ignore that imposter sat on your shoulder.

Katie Topping, Spirit & Grace Style

Dream bigger than you dare.

Michelle Brown, Michelle Brown – Coach

Beware of burnout and balance. Keep yourself healthy in the process.

Hannah Smith, The Hambridge Artist

Follow your passion.

Adi Stephen, Tropic Skincare

Always treat customers as you’d like to be treated – they’ll remember you for the small things that made them happy.

Lara Evans, The Cushion Cafe

Find your tribe. Communities like this [We Are Tabono], networking organisations- they all open up a whole new world and are invaluable.

Claire Fryer, One to Three Marketing Solutions

Walk your own path at your own pace.

Katie Hone, The Coloursmith

Tabono’s tips for new business owners

When it comes to working with our community members and clients, we find that a lot of similar topics come up on a pretty regular basis. Comparisonitis, self-belief and confidence, and balancing work and home-life being but a few. So here are just a few tips for new business owners from us:

  • There’s no such thing as failure – when things go wrong, it’s actually a great opportunity to learn.
  • Be yourself. Nobody can be you, and run your business, like you.
  • Remember to take time for yourself. Schedule it into your diary so you can make sure it happens.

As a final note – make sure you have a team around you so that you don’t feel alone. We all need expert advisors, listeners and cheerleaders. If we can be all of those things for you and your business – get in touch!